The kingdom of heaven is like ordering at a restaurant. You order what you want, because whatever you order is what’s in your heart, and then God sits and shares it with you.
Now, for years, this was my order: chicken tenders, BBQ sauce, and french fries.
Instead I usually wound up with a spicy chicken sandwich, which I had to spit out because TOOOOO SPICCCCYYYY!
I never got what I wanted.
And the frustration began to mount because of it.
I couldn’t understand why everyone else around me seemed to order what they wanted and get it while I was stuck with pepper-mouth every time I tried to eat.
Then finally, one time I got a cheeseburger… which I ate… but it still wasn’t what I really wanted.
Then I thought I was finally starting to get somewhere.
Chicken tenders… yes!
french fries… double yes!
Honey mustard! Noooooooo!
I tried to adapt to the honey mustard, because I like honey. And I like mustard.
But it turns out I reallllllly don’t like honey mustard.
So even though that order was close, I still couldn’t eat it.
And it broke me, because that was the closest I ever got to getting what I actually wanted.
Then I had no food for a long time, unless one of those spicy chicken sandwiches came up again.
Needless to say I was starving, not to mention hurt and disappointed.
I knew in my heart what I wanted: chicken tenders, BBQ sauce, and french fries.
But I was afraid to ask God for what I really wanted.
I kept settling for those spicy chicken sandwiches.
Even though I hated them, I felt like that was all I deserved.
I kept asking for a stone, even though in my heart I wanted a fish.
And God kept telling me he wanted to give me a fish too.
But for the longest time it was like I couldn’t believe him.
Spicy chicken sandwiches burned my mouth over and over again.
But God just told me again today, the kingdom of heaven is like ordering at a restaurant. You order what you want, because whatever you order is what’s in your heart, and then God sits and shares it with you.
Maybe this time will be the time I confidently approach the throne asking for those chicken tenders, BBQ sauce, and french fries?