People are booing at The Star-Spangled Banner at sports games now. Granted, it was the Canadians and not us. But still. (I love you, Canada! You go ahead and give us hell for this, us sane Americans trapped in this badly written dystopian YA novel are 100% behind you 🍁💗)
This is not partisan.
I’m not even really a Democrat when all’s said and done, although I do tend to align with them much more than I do with Republicans… but I’ve never blindly followed party lines and truth be told sometimes I hate them both 😝
When you’re outside of everything like me you notice things that most other people don’t.
So this is not simply liberal hysteria.
What’s coming is bad for all of us non-billionaires.
Scar (Trump) and his hyenas are raising food and other product prices with all of their tariffs and deportations, dismantling our institutions with no thought or care for the people it’s affecting including government employees, getting rid of government aid for people who need it, and I heard they’re even dusting off Gitmo in Cuba and expanding it to keep more people there.
People are going to suffer major consequences because of these things.
Like, normal everyday people like you and me (okay, maybe I’m not all that normal and everyday but you know what I mean 🤪).
64 Americans just died because he gutted the FAA.
Over a million Americans died during Covid-19 when he was in office the first time, largely because he cut all of the pandemic research and warning teams beforehand.
Like Mufasa tells Simba, “Each thing you see exists in a delicate balance. As king, you must understand that balance and respect all creatures.”
But do you think Scar understands that? He’s going to strip these Pridelands of ours bare if we let him.
And again, I’m not a political activist. For most of my life I have said that a good president is one I can ignore for 4 years while I float around in my Happy Little Emily Bubble™. I didn’t even vote in 2016’s presidential election, I’m sad to say.
So if I’m paying attention and saying this? It’s about to get real.
And I hope people listen before it’s too late.
Wake up, fellow ants!