Hoooollly crap, this election has been a rollercoaster worse than 2020. To the point where I think I may have to retire my Happy Little Emily Bubble for good. But even more importantly than that, I hope that you all are getting your bubbles popped and paying attention to what is really going on here.
Because now the Washington Post is refusing to endorse anyone, even though they were all set to endorse Harris. Their editor even quit over it.
The Post is owned by Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, who reportedly is the one who killed the endorsement.
Why is Bezos so scared to endorse anyone?
And why is Trump supporter Elon Musk paying registered voters if they complete a conservative petition?
Not to mention why are roughly half of you laughing off oh that silly Trumpy, he’s such a card making all of these zany comments about how much he admires Nazi generals, how he wants to be a dictator, how people will never have to vote again if they vote for him just this one last time?
Many members of his original cabinet in 2016 have come forward warning us not to let him back into the White House again.
Even Mr. Turtle Head Mitch McConnell himself, who cackled with glee so loud even a deafie like me could hear him all the way up here in Massachusetts when he got the conservative-stacked Supreme Court of his wet dreams doesn’t want Trump back.
Donald Trump horrifically mismanaged the COVID-19 pandemic which cost us millions of American lives, stole classified documents, has been impeached not once but twice, tried to start an insurrection on his way out of office the first time, and STILL spreads lies and misinformation about the 2020 election being stolen from him to the point where there are poll workers who are getting stalked and threatened over it.
And don’t even get me started about Project 2025, or the fact that the Supreme Court Trump appointed suddenly decided a few months ago that the president has complete immunity from prosecution.
Even a few of these things would give someone pause… but all of them put together? How are people not seeing what is going on here?
I’m starting to think Donald Trump doesn’t even need to dismantle the Department of Education.
Because somehow an alarming number of you still want to vote for this guy because he makes up stories you want to hear about the Big Bad Brown People Ruining Your Lives by Existing™, wants to take credit for a good economy that was actually a handover from President Obama, and pays lip service to “good Godly Christian values” like taking away abortion which kills fetuses which are only potential people but letting you keep your guns which kill actual people including the kids you profess to care so much about even though you have continually turned a blind eye to them getting shot up in their schools with said guns for the past 30 years.
Meanwhile Trump is telling you in plain language exactly who he is and exactly what he plans on doing to this country. And it’s not good… it’s chilling as a matter of fact.
The economy? Okay, yeah, this inflation we’re currently living under sucks, and I’ll give you that, but we just had a worldwide pandemic and the whole world is still trying to dig out from under it. But inflation is going down, and the US is actually recovering faster than many other countries.
And that’s still no excuse to elect a fascist-in-the-making like Donald Trump.
All I can ask you to do is get out and vote, because this is getting ugly. Like, Nazi Germany and Scar and his hyenas level ugly.
And if I have been woken up enough from my Sparkly Rainbow Unicorn Kitty La-la World to be saying this, when for most of my life I have maintained that a good president is one I can ignore for four years while I float around in my aforementioned Happy Little Emily Bubble?
Then you know it’s serious.