I know John Lennon wasn’t always the best person in his private life, but 50+ years later, this song is still nothing more than his imagination.
I long for a world where we are all free to be who we are and share everything in peace without pain, fear, and the threat of violence just because of our differences in thought and opinion. I know it will never happen in this world on this side of heaven, but it’s still something we should all strive for. Especially in light of all of the violence and extreme rhetoric surrounding the upcoming election, with social media and TV personalities fanning the flames. It seems to me like people on all sides of the issues surrounding us are scared about what is happening right now.
So, I just want to take some time to remind everyone that our human potential is so much more than what we currently see from our leaders. We have so much talent and power in every single human being, but so much of it is lost every day to poverty, greed, and injustice. If we were free from all of those things and every person was fully loved and supported, and encouraged to reach their full potential in life, then maybe we would actually manage to get somewhere. But there are people and powers out there that don’t want that, because they have too much to lose. And they are the ones we should be focusing on, not on fighting with each other over their scraps, especially when there’s more of us than there are of them, and there is enough for all of us if we would just share things fairly. But even though everyone seems to want things to be different, no one seems to have the courage to stand up and rock the boat, to say that the Emperor is stark naked, to be that first rolling stone that starts the avalanche of change.
But as long as we keep fighting and we keep dividing ourselves into factions (rich and poor, black and white, straight and gay, male and female, even– dare I say it– Democrat and Republican), we will never be free. And the world will still continue to be everything that we don’t want it to be. Maybe it’s time to stop thinking of ourselves and our fellow human beings in binary terms and start thinking of ourselves as being on a spectrum, where no one outshines the other, and where we’re all included and no one has to be excluded for not being able to fit everything that makes them human into the binary boxes we seem to like to stuff each other into.
Imagine all the people, sharing all the world indeed, Mr. Lennon ðŸ˜