I often listen to music while I’m working on my art or my toy sale listings, and Young at Heart came up just now on my YouTube rotation. I tend to prefer classic rock and pop when it comes to music, but one thing not a lot of people know about me is that I also have a hidden fondness for the old-time crooners like Sinatra and Crosby and Nat King Cole… they just don’t sing like that today for the most part and it’s really something special… so special that even I can hear and appreciate the pure and rich tones
The funny thing is, I was just singing this to myself earlier today to help cheer me up because I was feeling a little down-hearted about how I haven’t achieved all of my dreams and goals yet. I’ve come so far, and I’m grateful for every inch of progress I’ve made along the way, but it still feels like I have such a long way to go that it’s a little daunting sometimes.
This happens to me a lot, where it’s almost like God reinforces what I’m going through by the perfect song just happening to play at the exact right moment. I remember one time I was distraught over something or another, almost in tears begging God for help when all of a sudden True Colors by Cyndi Lauper came on and then I started crying anyway but it was like, a good cry now
I’m still a dreamer in spite of all of the setbacks in my personal life, and I still believe in the message of this song. You don’t get old until you stop dreaming, and you always have an opportunity to start over each day.
And most of all I believe that this is the secret to staying young at heart.
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