Do you have a lot of dreams and things you’re hoping for that aren’t coming into your life?
And maybe you’re wondering what you’re doing wrong?
The problem is, you’re walking by sight instead of by faith.
Because faith is believing in something even if you don’t see it.
You can’t intellectualize or talk yourself into faith.
And you definitely can’t convince God into moving either.
When you walk by sight, that’s all you see is what’s in front of you.
And if you’re afraid that maybe you’re wrong, and go back and forth all of the time thinking that maybe what you know is for you isn’t really for you after all, all it does is cause your dreams to not manifest.
Confidence is key.
You have to have faith in what you believe, let go and leave it in God’s hands, and when the time is right, everything will come to fruition.
Whatever you believe is what is.
Just like Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on the water until he thought about it and stumbled, your doubts can and will stop you if you let them.
When you walk by sight, your reality shapes your beliefs.
But when you walk by faith, your beliefs shape your reality.