Oh, America… why do you be like that? And while I have you here, why do roughly half of you profess to care so dang much about a fetus yet cut spending to programs that help parents and families, refuse to invest in universal childcare, and oh yeah, want to keep your precious guns at the expense of our schools getting shot up on the regular?
Because I don’t know about you but I don’t flipping care what we “should be” doing… okay? Half of you are clinging to this 1950’s ideal of women being in the home and the men going off to work to be The Big Bad Breadwinner™ and that’s great and all, but it’s just not realistic these days. Most women work. I’m going to blow your minds even further out of your white privileged bubble and tell you that women have always worked. Women were factory workers, they were farmers, they did childcare and mending and ran boarding houses and all sorts of other things. They might not have been white. They were definitely not rich, and may not have even been middle class. And for far too long, they were most likely slaves or otherwise criminally underpaid and exploited. So old-time America was not some milk-and-honey utopia for everybody.
Sitting around wringing our hands about how things “should be” and punishing people for not fitting whatever we think is ideal is not helping. See the abysmal results of “abstinence only” sex education, another brainchild of the brainless. (And can I also say, elephants are highly intelligent, empathetic creatures who live in matriarchies, so can we please retire them as the Republican animal because the cognitive dissonance makes both my head and my heart hurt.)
Parents need support. Kids need support. And they need support for how things are right now. Yes, even and especially if they’re gay, poor, black, single, divorced, or whatever other sin you think makes them unworthy of being helped.
And if an evil selfish childless cat lady like me is saying that, then you know it’s true 😝