Childhood Stories #1

My first crush was on a cute little blonde boy in my first grade class. (I think I must have imprinted on him because to this day I still love me a cute little blonde far more than tall dark and handsome 🫣😅)

Anyway, I was always making elaborate plans with my friends at school to get him to kiss me, but he wanted nothing to do with me. And I’m attaching a pic of me in first grade because look how adorable I was… how did he not see that?!

Finally, I had enough of his rejection and decided it was time to get the grown-ups involved. So at Open House tiny little six year old me (seriously, I was always one of the shortest if not the shortest girl in class) screwed up all of my courage and marched right up to his mom and said, “I think your son is so cute and I want to kiss him!”

Somehow this also didn’t work to endear myself to him 🤔 And my dream of kissing him sadly never materialized.

But the story doesn’t end there, because it turned out, his mom was an elementary school substitute teacher in our school system. And as you can imagine, I had made quite an impression on her with my bold declaration of love for her son back in the first grade.

So for years afterwards, long after I had gotten over her son, I would sometimes have her as a substitute teacher and get to relive the embarrassment as she smiled knowingly at me and said, “And hello, Miss Emily” when she called the roll in the morning.