Nowadays everything is tasteful greige with Live Laugh Love Eat Pray Lather Rinse Repeat signs plastered everywhere and it all looks so damn pretty and sterile and perfectly designed to make everyone on Instagram and Pinterest sigh with envy and run out to spend thousands on whatever the latest trend happens to be.
When I grew up it was floral ducks with bonnets and the brown furniture clashed with the navy blue celestial throw pillows.
Seriously, I’m going through childhood photos and it was mildly-to-moderately horrifying, what we all thought looked good back then.
Nothing matched.
There’s pictures of my family laughing it up and having a grand old time in rooms with mauve lacy curtains and burnt orange carpeting and hunter green furniture with pineapple patterned upholstery and that’s like, the high-class decor right there.
But you know what? We also lived life without worrying about what was on social media.
No one cared what the room looked like, because we were too busy having fun with each other.
But now we have to work so hard to afford all of this extra matchy fancy stuff that no one has time to spend together anymore.
We have beautiful homes that we show off in photo shoots on social media but we’ve lost our time together making happy memories with each other.
I say let’s bring back those floral ducks with bonnets 😄