Donald Trump = Do Not Want

Okay, serious question here: how do we stop Donald Trump from being reelected again because my heart can’t take him coming back like a hydra constantly regenerating heads every 4 years? I mean, was stealing thousands of classified documents and lying about it, attempting to overthrow the US government because he lost a fair election, not to mention getting impeached not once but twice, not enough?

Is one half of the US really this stupid or do ya’ll just not care because he got rid of abortion and throws out platitudes that comfort white conservative Christians about Making America Great Again with Our Family Values So Screw All You Big Bad Brown People…?

Because do you honestly think Jesus would endorse Donald Trump and all of his lying and stealing and immortality? Jesus, *the single childless Jew*, who was probably also a brown person? Jesus, who preached that his kingdom is not the kingdom of this world, and that his kingdom is filled with the poor and needy and suffering?

And if I’m asking this stuff? When to me a good president is one I can ignore for 4 years while I float around in my rainbow sparkly Emily Bubble? Then you know I’m getting worried.

Because I seriously don’t think this country is going to survive another Trump election/presidency and I’m scared 😬