Dear Humans 5

Dear Stressed-Out Post Office Clerk Lady,

I know you are probably having a rough month, with all of the crazy Christmas package normies coming in. But there was no need for you to get upset with me when I didn’t want to have to fill out an extra customs form for the package I was shipping to Canada.

I tried to tell you that I filled out the customs form for the package online. I tried to show you that all of the information was printed out on the label. I showed you where it said “toy pony”, the weight, where I signed and dated it, and the whole thing, just like the customs form you were trying to get me to fill out. Because guess what? It *was* a customs form, even if it was on the label and not a separate thing that you stick on the package.

I have been selling online with these printed customs forms for 10+ years now. I have shipped thousands of packages all over the world. I have never had a problem with doing this before.

But you kept insisting that I fill out the form.

As a person with a background in customer service I try very hard to be accommodating to fellow service workers. I feel like I was nice to you in spite of how stressed and snippy you were with me. But I wasn’t going to fill out a needless second form when everything was already there. On the label. Like I showed you. Like I was telling you.

I’m not a Karen but I don’t like it when people don’t believe me or listen to me when I know that I’m right about something.

Finally, you got a manager for me. Who also didn’t seem to realize that the label was a customs form. But at least he listened to me. And accepted the package without me having to fill out a second customs form.

Hoping you are temporary holiday help so I won’t have to deal with you again,
The Not-Karen Girl with all of the Packages