Dear Humans 12

Dear Broyhill Shower Curtains,

Not to brag, but I’m of above average intelligence. If I hadn’t gone deaf as a teen and subsequently gone into a, well, let’s see, decades long poverty spiral which I’ve had to pull myself out of slowly and agonizingly inch by inch, I probably would have been a famous author and cartoonist by now.

So if it took me a good 20 minutes to find the holes in your shower curtain because you decided to save 3 cents by not putting proper grommets into these curtains while they were being manufactured by our Chinese overlords, how is the average person supposed to figure this out?

Seriously, I thought your shower curtain was defective and I was about ready to get out my binder clips and just clip the dang thing along the top of my shower curtain liner.

And all I have to ask is why? Like, why would you make a fabric shower curtain with all that fancy textured embroidered detail all over it and then think that people are going to be able to find these tiny little holes (that were really more like rips in the fabric than anything) mixed in?

No Love Because I’m Angry You Delayed My Shower,
A Sweaty and Disheveled (and Still Deaf 😝) Emily